The 365 Commitment

Day 257 – Push Not Pull

My head was boiling over with ideas today. Many reasons for that, none of them really important. My daughter inspired me to pick this concept.

I need to push and not pull.

Maybe there was a time in my life where I really needed to mainly take things in from others, to absorb what they were saying and feeling. Internalize all of that, make sense of it and try to cope with the new world that I was experience.

However, I think it is safe to say that after a half of century in that world that I can start to think about pushing out instead of pulling in.

Broadcasting rather then receiving.

I have spent a lot of life absorbing the emotions, negative or positive of others. I have taken on the guilt, angst and failures of many as if they were my own. What is weird is that I watch TV shows and receive all over again the same negative emotions being poured into my soul in a convenient 40 minute drama.

Time to stop taking it all in and start pouring some of it out. However, I dont have any negative emotion to broadcast. I am full of positive energy, enthusiasm and a love of life and humanity (at least I am today).

So when I do something, when I engage, when I walk into a room I am going to be broadcasting all the positive reservoir of inner strength that I have. No time left in my day for negative crap. The day only has room for quick and effective, get to the point pure raw positivity.

So I am going full broadcast mode. Pushing out instead of pulling in. Well at least until I am done with this annoying conference call, and answering these emails, and paying these bills. After that I will start broadcasting positive vibes.

Guy Reams (257)

365 Member

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