The 365 Commitment

Day 2 – Recipe for Failure

The single greatest ingredient in the recipe for failure is doing too much, too fast. Piling a bunch on at the start is a sure fire way to guarantee your demise. Many a failed attempt lies at the bottom of the valley of broken dreams, littered with the scraps of well crafted, yet overloaded plans.

This is probably my single greatest piece of advice for any ambitious over achievers like myself. You just simply cannot shortcut your way to perfection with intentions. You must, absolutely must, build brick by brick, incremental improvement. Incremental is the only lasting way to improve.

Save yourself from a lifetime of failed starts. Rather, choose wisely, and deliberately your first brick. Set it carefully, and then with tremendous patience and maturity select your second brick, only when you are absolutely sure the first one is set and unmoving.

What is a brick? It is a habit. The foundations of a successful life.

Guy (Day 2 of 18,262)

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