The 365 Commitment

What is Good?

Struggling to determine when something is good for me. If it is hard or requires a stuggle it is supposed to be good for me. However, if things are smooth and easy that is also supposed to be good. So which is it? On one hand I am supposed to suffer and on the other hand I am supposed to be at peace?

I had this debate with a religious scholar once. Are we supposed to seek for peace, or are we supposed to seek conflict? I think we concluded that it is best to attempt to find peace, but as you do so you will run into struggle. So try for peace, but when you find struggle you will know you are on the right path. This is the crux of it right?

Self improvement requires struggle. If you are having thing too easy, then you are not improving. If you are struggling too much, then you might have taken the wrong path. I think I have finally figured out the answer to this immortal challenge. It is ebb and flow.

You are going to constantly have cycles, times of peace followed by struggle when you attempt to take on new things, improve something, and fight for a cause. So dance on the edge of chaos and smile!

Guy Reams

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