The 365 Commitment

You Will Become Your Intent…Eventually

Intent, as I have learned over time, is really important. Intent could be everything. Intent is what you have control over, or could have control over, if you spent some time contemplating what your intent is or should be.

You will become what you think you will become. That just seems like a universal truth. If your intent is real, and you maintain your intent, and keep focused on what you intend then you will make progress toward that end. This becomes manifest in many ways. People can sense what your intent is. When you talk to someone over a length of time, your intent will become manifest. There is no way that you can hide it. It seems that humans have this automatic intent detector built in. The funny thing is that we think we can hide our intent. Let me tell you, your intent becomes manifest. There just is no way to hide it. We may think we can conceal our intent from others, but we just simply cannot.

Many times we have an intent that we are not really in control of. We are letting some base instinct, some influence from our carnal nature that is feeding our intent. That intent is also very apparent to others, and influences us and those around us far greater than we think. So you are going to have an intent, if you plan to have one or not. If you start your day without clear intent, you will end up with one, and probably not one that you are in control of.

So my consideration this morning is to make sure that I have really spent the adequate time to consider what my intent is and what it should be. By doing that everyday, consistently, you will slowly steer the universe to be in harmony with what you want to achieve. Intent is powerful and it is also in every detail. I have noticed that I eat exactly what I intend to eat. I eat healthy, when I am deliberate and plan to eat healthy. The opposite as well.

I would proffer that the first step in having success in any ambition, is to really, honestly spend time in consideration of what your intent really is.

Guy Reams

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