The 365 Commitment

Day 135 – Move Mountains

Would like to begin this morning’s blog with one of the sayings attributed to Jesus that I have had memorized for years:

“If ye have faith as a grain of mustard seed, ye shall say unto this mountain, Remove hence to yonder place; and it shall remove; and nothing shall be impossible unto you.”

I think at the very least, regardless of our religious belief, we have to admit that Jesus was a really good teacher and an extremely influential leader. So it is to this source, I seek inspiration from time to time. This concept of moving mountains with a little faith always comes back to me and is worthy of consideration through my new lens of keeping the 365 commitment.

Buried in this teaching are many nuances that we could consider – but this morning – I am really focused on doing the impossible. I really think moving a mountain to yonder place as impossible for me to do. Even if I started today with my shovel and spent my entire life lifting one load of dirt at a time, the sum total of my life’s work would not get that mountain to yonder place.

Clearly, at core of this saying is the need to for us to understand that our effort is required. We have to contribute our mustard seed amount of faith. Our seemingly small contribution, has tremendous potential. When we apply that amount of faith everyday toward the same impossible goal then there is an implication of results. With this type of faith, nothing shall be impossible. You will say to remove hence to yonder place, and it shall remove.

Yet, the fact remains that even with my small contribution, that mountain is not really going to move – so what is really being said here? I imagine that you could look at the 3 year ministry of Jesus and say that his faith was a mustard seed. He wanted to move entire known world, Romans included to follow a core set of teachings and values. His desire was so impossible that he died in the attempt. Yet the mountain got moved – didn’t it?

So after all of our efforts towards an ambition, after we do everything we can, every day exercising our small mustard seed of faith there is a magnification that occurs. Others start to pitch in, people start to get onboard with your ambition and start to want to help you, the thing you started becomes real and starts to gain strength and eventually what you wanted happens. You will look back with astonishment and realize the mountain really did move.

So are you engaged in the impossible!? Well if you are – good for you. Keep it up. The only worthwhile effort is the impossible. Just keep exercising that small mustard seed size of faith and you will achieve that impossible. You will get help when you least expect it. Doors will open where you thought there were no doors, pathways will emerge that you had not considered. It will not be easy, moving mountains and doing the impossible are always hard. However, have faith and if you do I can promise you that you will look back and be amazed at how much progress you made and start to wish you had set your targets on little bit bigger impossible mountain.

Guy Reams (135)
365 Member

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