Day 337 – The Reservoir of Strength

Each day you perform a habit, you add one drop into a giant reservoir. At first it is completely empty, but each day you add one more drop. At first it seems like nothing. It seems like you will make no progress at all. However, overtime, as long as you keep the habit up you start to see something form and pretty soon you start to see a small pool of water. That pool becomes a lake and that lake eventually becomes a giant reservoir.

When you do not complete your habit, that reservoir drains very quickly. Whereas when you perform the habit, you add one drop, when you miss the habit you drain the water in giant gulps. The rate of depletion is much faster then the rate of addition. This is important to note, because the person that has added drop by drop for years has a wellspring of strength, endurance, mental capacity built up. They are a force of collected energy, a mass of stored strength.

The point is that you can be there too! It is not that difficult, it is just literally one drop at a time. One day at a time until you have this reservoir. You see when you are accumulating drop by drop, you cannot afford to miss a day. Missing a day drains the reservoir in giant buckets full. That is a lot of drops, a lot of days to make up. However, once you have committed the time, this reservoir becomes powerful force for you. It is a strength that is truly amazing. People will notice it. They will be like, wow you are amazing. You will be thinking – huh? I am nothing, I make progress in drops.

However, you are collecting those drops. They get powerful overtime. Same thing with investing. Start now drop, by drop, you become wealthy. There will come a time when you have accumulated enough that an avalanche of success comes.

Guy Reams (337)
365 Member

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