The 365 Commitment

Blog 91 – Keep Your Powder Dry

Some people say it takes 30 consecutive days to build a habit.  I think that 90 days is probably a better target to shoot for.  After all, the goal is to really ingrain a habit so that you are taking positive action toward your goals with out having to rely on will power and without having to make decisions.

Believe me, I am a fan of willpower and good decision making.  But these are targeted weapons only to be used when needed.  They are limited resources.  More limited for some than others.  In my case, I think that it is best to use these resources sparingly, in a targeted fashion for best results.

Think about a Navy ship, it takes a whole crew of sailors performing regular duties to maintain, navigate, and provision a ship.  These duties are all routine and scheduled.  You might say, these are the habits of the ship.   Without this foundation of consistent work they ship would not be  going anywhere.

Now, think about the big guns of the ship.  These represent the ability of the ship to exert power.  Very impressive and exciting, and only utilized on specific targets.   You don’t use the bug guns for swabbing the deck, or painting the hull, or fueling the engine room, no way.  Big guns are expensive to use, and when compared to the other activities on a ship, they are employed rarely.  But, they are still important and in many ways define the efficacy of the ship itself in terms of completing its mission. The big guns are like will power and mission planning is like decision making.

It takes a crew that has learned to perform daily duties with routine and discipline and consistency in order for the big guns to effectively come to bear on a given target. The mission was carefully planned and required some decision making in a few relatively short meetings, but execution is all  about performing the duties and habits that operate the ship.  We have to be that crew performing daily good habits in our lives.  Do this first, and when you get your big guns out make sure that you have a specific and important target.  Use them appropriately and sparingly because they require a good deal of maintenance and provision. They are exciting and flashy, but are nothing without a well functioning ship properly maintained and navigated using proven and solid habits that you know will allow you to achieve your mission.

So, focus on the habits that your ship needs , like swabbing the deck, and maintaining your ropes, and provisioning the kitchen , and keep your powder dry for the battles ahead and only wield the big guns when needed.

Ben Wagner (98)

Member The 365 Commitment

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Guy Reams
5 years ago

Absolutely correct. This is definitely going to be a title in the future 365 Commitment book – It takes 90 days, not 30, not 18. If you have to rely on Will Power to be disciplined you will fail.

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