Blog 94 – Your Turn My Turn

The 365 Commitment is about adopting and committing to good habits.  How we communicate with others is a critical to realizing our potential.   So, here is a story that sheds light on some great habits of communication.  The story is called “Your Turn My Turn,” it’s the story of Art, the Firestone Tire and Rubber Plant manager.  I first heard this story from my professor at Notre Dame, Marti Pedan.

Marti was an older Business Leadership professor with many years’ experience. Early in her career , back in the day you might say, she was a consultant assigned to work at a Firestone Tire and Rubber Plant with their management team on various business issues.  In working with the team, she noticed that they all kept saying the same thing about Art, the Plant Manager.  In a mystified voice they would say,  “Art could tell you off, but somehow you come away thanking him” –  “I don’t know how he does it, but, he can tell you off but you come away thanking him.”  All the managers said the same thing!

So, Marti got curious and she went to Art and said, “Art, all your people say the same thing about you.  They say that you can tell them off, but they come away thanking you.  What are you doing and how are you doing it?”

Art, shrugged and said “I don’t know, I don’t know!”  Marti said, can I come and watch you tell people off?  Art said, “Sure!  I run this entire plant and talk to people all day long.  You can sit on the couch in my office and watch me as I meet with people. ”

To be continued . . .

Ben Wagner (101)

Member The 365 Commitment

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