Thought about writing something really inspiring regarding mothers today. Also thought about writing something comical regarding the Mother of Dragons (as that is GoT everyone’s attention right now). However, I did neither. Instead I have been reflecting on how to maintain the motivation to keep oneself achieving at the highest levels. It is strange how on one day you can be super motivated and on other days, you can just have zero motivation whatsoever. On one day you are all about getting it done at the best level, and others you just barely can get it done, if at all. Which leads me to the conclusion that the mind is a fickle creature, and if relied on will not necessarily have your best interests always at the forefront.
When you were a child, if you had a good mom, you had this constant force around you to direct you to do the right thing even though you really did not want to at the moment. Right now I hear my daughter upstairs practicing her piano recital. She does not want to right now, but she absolutely wants to play the piano well and on many days is excited about the prospect. However, right now, when everyone is being lazy and laying around the house and doing not much of anything – practicing the piano is not on her list. She has mom, however, forcing her mind to cast aside these thoughts and just do it anyway. So there she is, practicing her song just 3 more times.
When we were young, we might have had that mom figure constantly prodding us, directing us, guiding us and encouraging us to do the right thing, the best thing. Eventually, we got to the point where we could decently function in society without that constant reminder (well most of us at least) and now here we are – on our own – without Mom telling us to make the bed, clear our room, play outside more and eat our vegetables. Yet, I bet you are a lot like me. You let your mind lull you into inactivity, to the course that is easy and not too demanding. What you need is to get the Mom voice back in your head. You know the one I am talking about.
My wife has the awesome Mom voice. When the kids need to do something, she changes to that voice and suddenly there is a beehive of activity. Kids swarming all over the place in a mad rush to do whatever is required to avoid the intent of that voice. The Dad voice will inspire fear, but the Mom voice is something special. It is the only voice that can call one to action and at the same time layer on a nice coating of guilt on top of it. I think sometimes our consciousness gets a little out of whack and we need a good dose of Mom voice. Now you can try to call Mom up right now and try to get her to yell at your for a few minutes – but I will venture a guess that if you have been out of the nest for awhile – Mom has moved on from that role. What you need to do is create the voice in your own head that will recreate that same feeling you had when you were a child.
The I know you do not want to, but you have to voice. The you are not getting up from that table until you eat 3 more bites of your green vegetables voice. The you better get off your butt and do your chores or else voice. This is not insanity. This is a real tool. Do not mistake all the thoughts in your head as accurate. Many of them are just wrong. You need that stronger, powerful, all knowing voice that can tell you when you are being childish and stupid and it is time to do what you are supposed to. You had this as a child as an external force that was watching your every move – now you need one of your own that checks to make sure you are on course.
The architect of your childhood was your parents, or whomever raised you. The architect of your future is yourself. When people say “find yourself” they certainly do not mean to just be your lazy, non-committed, impulsive self. I hope they mean that you find your own voice that tells you when to get up and get going. Tells you no, when you need to be told no. The guiding voice that will remind you of what you need to do, despite the fact that you just really do not want to.
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