The 365 Commitment

Blog 157 – Hey, Can You Lighten Up a Little?

I walked my neighborhood this am stopping at every streetlight and pumping out air squats.  Probably looks a little weird, but I’m ok with that.  This has become a habit, it’s familiar and it feels good.  I knocked out 10 sets and headed over to the hill I sprint each week.

I sprint up 105 meters and walk down, rinse repeat.  As I’m walking down I see my neighbor running up the hill past me.  He is an Air Force officer I think.  I don’t know the guy too well because of an unfortunate incident about a year ago.

I was working in my driveway doing vehicle maintenance, these neighbors had just moved in and I hadn’t had a chance to meet them yet.  But, I can hear the mom berating her kids in the back yard.  Little kids.  This kids are so little they can’t even form sentences yet.  I can hear that they are not throwing tantrums or acting up at all, she is the one throwing a tantrum.   This goes on for about an hour, no exaggeration.

I am trying to ignore this situation and go about my business, but after literally an hour of listening to her bully these tiny kids, I can’t take it any more.  I wanted to help her and help those kids. I just could not stand another minute of listening to little toddlers take that kind of treatment.  So, I walk over to the fence, I can’t see her but I can hear her, . . .  I interrupt her continued verbal assault with “Hey, . . . can you lighten up a little bit?” “They’re just little kids.”

I didn’t attack her, I did not berate her, or accuse her. Not directly anyway.    I just said “Can you lighten up a little.”   That’s it.  Well, this was not appreciated to say the least.  A year later she will not make eye contact with me and hustles her kids away when she sees me.  I am persona non grata. It kinda sucks. I stopped trying to smooth things over after my fourth try.

Would I do it again?  I’m not sure.  But, today is Father’s Day and this situation came to mind because I saw the Dad running this morning and he seems like a real stand up guy, and she seems like a good Mom, I have not heard here mistreat those little ones since.

Have I lost my temper?  You bet.  Should I be held accountable when I’m behaving badly? Yep.  We should all hold each other accountable out of love.

So, Lighten up!  Happy Father’s Day.

Ben Wagner (164)

Member The 365 Commitment

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