The 365 Commitment

Absorb Uncertainty

Here is the real deal. We are all living in uncertainty, because we are human. We are frail creatures that are extremely mortal. Our bodies are amazing, but the reality is that we could kick the bucket at any moment. So if you get yourself to the point where you do not feel uncertainty, it is because you have done a great job of fooling yourself. You somehow figured out how to lull your active consciousness into a false state of belief around the fragility of your mortal existence. Congratulations, this is probably the ultimate goal of your internal primal brain. Trying to get to the point of the the elusive feeling of certainty.

So now you are in this state of affairs in the world that is forcing uncertainty on you. This rocks your world. You find yourself spiraling out of control, or in a depressed state full of anxiety because that fictitious world of stability you convinced yourself of is suddenly in question. Welcome to uncertainty. It has always been there, your little bubble just broke with this Covid thing and now you have to grasp uncertainty.

In general, I am pretty used to dealing with uncertainty. I think when I was a young child I always adopted a view that I needed to be aware of how delicate my situation could actually be. Perhaps it was my overactive self protection mechanism, but I was always worried about where my next meal would come from. Now, I had nothing to worry about really. My parents more than adequately provided for me my entire life, but I was always worried about it for some reason. So even though I was perfectly ok and living a very happy life, I had an overactive imagination that was constantly inventing ways that could lead to my pending demise.

So I never took certainty for granted. As I have progressed through life, I have been able to identify some must do things when confronted with uncertainty, doubt and anxiety that comes from worrying about the future. I think the first pointer is the most important. You just cannot beat yourself up for feeling bad or having anxiety over uncertainty. It is a natural reaction and some of us are better at grappling that emotion than others. What I chose to do is to just absorb it. Let the uncertainty wash over you and just let it happen. There is nothing you can do about it, so stop trying to influence it when you just cannot. Step one is just relax and be nice to yourself. It is ok that you have anxiety and are worried about the unpredictable future, that is normal and human. Why do you have to beat yourself up over it so much. Just let it go. Absorb Uncertainty. Be Uncertainty.

Of course there are some other good ideas too. First of all the absolute worst thing you can do is to fall off of regular exercise. Even if you were just to walk around outside, you absolutely must have regular exercise. It is the number one defense against uncertainty. It gives you a task that you can apply work toward and accomplish in a short period of time. So do not let this fall off, no matter how miserable you feel.

It is also equally important to stop absorbing things you have no control over. The news, social media, annoying people. If you are struggling with uncertainty, you absolutely do not want to add fuel to the fire or more to your angst unnecessarily. Feeling the weight of uncertainty, then get rid of every thing you cannot control so you can focus on absorbing your emotions about the risk of the future.

Lastly, do focus on what you can control. Deal with what is in front of you right now that you can improve. Get that laundry done right now. Clean that desk off immediately. Pay those bills. Do whatever you can that is in immediate control by you. You will start to feel better right after the first accomplishment. Do what is in your control now. Do not waste time, just do it, even if you loathe even taking the next step. Doing what you can that is under your control will regain a sense of purpose in yourself. That is how you combat almost certain uncertainty.

Guy Reams

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