The 365 Commitment

All Roads are One

My kids are in high school and they are going though the concerns and angst about what path they choose in life. Funny that. I was worried about the same things when I was their age. However, looking back I have learned just how inconsequential that decision was. It seemed now that it did not really matter what I ‘picked’, because any road that I would pick would probably lead to the same or similar path. Perhaps that is because all paths are actually the same path, all tributaries to the same road.

So here in lies one of the great mysteries of life, the guiding hand of fate, God or the other unseen forces in life are pulling, us influencing us toward a direction. It is like this, we are being sucked into a giant swirling vortex. The center is our purpose in life, and we are on the periphery believing that we are taking a straight course to some destination but in actuality we are swirling in a giant circle ever closer to our destiny.

So it really matters not WHAT you choose, as long as you actually do choose something. I support that you actually do have a choice in this matter. You could choose to do something really stupid that messes your life up, or you could sit down and refuse to do anything. So the most important thing is to do something productive that moves you forward in a direction and that first step alone will be enough to get you on life’s journey and inevitably heading toward the course and the purpose of your life.

We arrogantly think we could actually change the will of God? Ha! Or test or confound fate? Seriously, pick something and put your soul into it, you will come out on the other side of it closer to your life’s purpose. It is inevitable. All Roads are One.

Guy Reams

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