The 365 Commitment

Make Your Own Ladder

Sure enough after writing my blog last night – guess what – I hit an achievement badge on my blogging tool that are started using a few months ago. 5K visitors since I started using the tool. I got a badge! I climbed the ladder!

Ok so this is not so bad right? I mean creating a commitment to write a blog everyday and I have done so everyday for 1,324 days in a row. So I guess I deserve a badge, even if it was generated by one of those AI machines trying to get me to come and eat the candy. I bet you when I click that Deep Dive button I will soon learn that I could even get better insight if I bought a subscription to a new tool.

That got me to thinking. What if I created my own silly badge system!!? I will create my own awards. Maybe get my daughters in on it. Create the Good Dad Award. When I achieve a certain level of Daughter satisfaction, then I get my badge. My wife can make a Good Husband…wait….never mind I do not think I will open up that Pandora’s box!

It is interesting to think about however, can you great an objective with several strategies and think of little awards to give yourself? Hmm. Instead of others manipulating you, you can manipulate you!

Guy Reams

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