Committing to One Reality is necessary to avoid confusion. To attempt to live in multiple realities is difficult and causes confusion, angst, and many times despair. We are often asked to commit to multiple realities, such as “home life” and “work life” and that alone causes confusion with priorties of heart and mind. I remember a business meeting where a CEO actually listed a hierarchy of human needs by starting out by placing the company first. That is not a reality most people would even remotely consider, yet here this CEO who had committed her whole sould to this corporate reality did not hesitate to list the company first in the list of human aspirations. I can see how this happens, successful people commit to one reality and by so doing focus their energy in one direction and avoid confusion.
This is why it is so vital to commit to one, and stick to it. What are you going to be and what do you value the most should be a pretty static idea. The challenge comes when you start to exceed or excel beyoung what you were hoping for. This requires a new reality to be created and that is confusing.
Day 72 – Make Gumbo Together
In every family, food is more than sustenance. It’s a thread that weaves us together, a living story we create