Family History is Important

Remember your family's story. One of the most important things you can do for future generations.

Every family has stories of the people that have gone before. Unfortunately they are not remembered very long. A generation or two at the most and then the stories of heroism, failures, success and tragedy are gone forever. The angel of history is blown forward and there is nothing we can do about it. It is not possible to gather or collect a complete accounting of all that went on before you. Yet, everything you do capture and remember is worth more than any earthly treasure.

My family has a rich history, both on my mother and father’s side. Each family has a unique set of circumstances and colorful people that got me to where I am at. I am staying with my Grandmother on my father’s side this week. So I am spending time talking to her about the various stories I have heard growing up. Incredible really. Yes, the people of yesterday did not have the things that I have today but they had many of the same problems. Interesting to learn how they tackled them, how they overcame the worse and enjoyed the best.

This is a great lesson that I was taught growing up. How vital family history is. There is something incredibly powerful about knowing who you are and where you came from. I think everyone “wishes” that they would have spent more time talking to their elder relatives. They wish that right up until the point it is too late. Better, take the time now when you can. Document, record and get good at telling the real stories. Pass them on to each generation. Make sure that 5 generations before you are well known and that the next 5 generations know the stories.

In my opinion a family that knows its history, is a family that survives and ultimately thrives.

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