The 365 Commitment

Day 3 – Handling Disruption

Today marks Day 3 of my personal transformation.

It always happens. You kick off a new life improvement program, and within just a few short days, a major disruption occurs. You begin with the best of intentions, but inevitably, obstacles arise and you’re faced with potential failure. And here we are, it’s only Day 3.

But this is a pivotal moment, even if you don’t recognize it. While discouragement might be on the horizon, what you’re really presented with is a golden opportunity. Overcoming disruption only makes you stronger. It’s akin to laying a cornerstone for a new foundation. Once you have four of these in place, you’re well on your way to building. Tackling disruptions can give a major boost of adrenaline and reward, propelling you into consecutive days of consistency and achievement.

Before you throw your hands up in resignation, consider my suggestions. This morning, I had to leave by 6 am for a doctor’s appointment two hours away. My morning routine? Clearly not happening. So, how did I handle it?

First – Immediately, I trimmed my routine to its essence. So, what’s at the core? For me, it’s establishing my daily list of priorities, reaffirming my daily commitments, and engaging in prayer or meditation. There are other core items in my morning routine, but those can wait for another day. The key is to recognize and honor your core, your unshakeable priority. The one you’d still uphold even if you were waiting for an ambulance (I jest, mostly).

Second – If necessary, wake up a bit earlier to get your core tasks done, even if they’re not executed as thoroughly or sincerely as usual. Completing them is paramount. Instead of postponing them with a “I’ll do it later” attitude, fulfill your top commitment first.

Third – Given the unexpected events of the day, adjust your expectations. It might just be about committing to your core habits. There’s no shame in not completing major tasks for a day, especially when disruptions are at play. The goal is to make progress on your essential habits.

Fourth – Keep an eye out for opportunities throughout your day. During my wait at the doctor’s office, I utilized 15 minutes to check something off my list. Now at home, I feel a sense of accomplishment having tackled that task. It’s a genuine dopamine hit, not one artificially induced by external factors.

Fifth – Embrace discomfort. After a long day, you might still have tasks awaiting you. I’m writing this post now, and afterward, I’ll be hitting the gym and addressing two more tasks. The inclination to avoid them is strong. As we’ll discuss later, motivation is often elusive. More often than not, it’s absent. So, my advice? Don’t overthink it. Tackle those tasks as soon as you arrive home.

Sixth – One of the most frequent disruptors? Travel. If you’re journeying somewhere, I’d advise planning your day ahead. Prepare everything you need and allocate time to address your tasks upon reaching your destination. Keep an eye out for those brief moments to get things done. Fun fact: I once did push-ups in an airplane aisle. A fellow passenger even joined in, counting aloud for me. It might have been a tad embarrassing, but commitment? Absolutely unshaken.

You can watch my video version of this blog here.

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