The 365 Commitment

Day 20 of 84 – It is about time

All you really have to do is put in the time. That is the single ingredient to success. It is like a can of Coca-Cola. Mostly sugar with a little extra thrown in. Time is the main ingredient to success.

I say this because you should not be worrying so much about what and how. Just put the time in and the what and the how will slowly improve. There is this man in my neighborhood. He suffered from a stroke a few years ago. Shortly after his stroke, he started walking around the neighborhood. Everyday. He looked pretty awkward. He lost complete use of his left side, so when he walked he sort of lurched forward. Even walking was an intense struggle.

Every time I see him, I wave hi. He smiles big and tries to wave back. It is not a very elegant wave, it is more of a throw of his arm with his hip trying to get his hand in the air. I almost feel bad about waving at him because of this. However, everyday he is there. Everyday, walking around the block. Earlier, before I started running, I saw him everyday. I kept thinking if he can stumble his way around the neighborhood in his condition, then I could at least get out the door once a day and do something.

Overtime, I kept seeing this man. After a year or so, I saw a bit of a transformation. His left side stopped sagging so much. Eventually he was jogging and not walking. His gait improved. I noticed that some life was returning to his left cheek. One day, I waved at him while I was running past him. He smiled big, and with little effort, raised his left hand and waved like it was a normal gesture. That simple success brought tears to my eyes. The dedicate, purpose and effort of this man to finally get to the point where he could give normal simple wave hello to his neighbor was just amazing. Brushing the tears from my eyes, I set my resolve. I ran even more, and I decided that if he can put in the time, I can.

All you have to do is put in the time. You want to become good at something, just put in the time. You do not have to be great, or awesome, or perfect. Just put in the time, everyday. You will automatically make improvements. If you want to, get excited about what you are doing and read up, study and make deliberate improvements – but whatever you do – most importantly – put in the time.

Things not working out so well? Did you not get something right? That is ok – just put in the time. You have a set back and you cannot perform at optimum levels – that is ok – just put in the time at sub-optimal levels. Do not worry so much. Just get in that gym and put the 30 min, 1 hour, or whatever you decide in. Just put in the time. Whatever it is that you have set out to do. Set a goal, come up with something you have to do to achieve it, and put in the time. Every day, Every week, Every Wednesday. Whatever you decide. Just put in the time.

In running the number one path to success is time on feet. The more time you spend running, the better a runner you become. Sure there is a lot of other stuff to worry about, but you cannot replace, or remove, or cheat on the amount of time you spend on your feet. That same is true in so many other aspects of life. You want to be successful at something, put in the time. No more excuses.

Guy Reams

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