The 365 Commitment

Day 39 of 84 – The Chapter on Failure

Found a book today printed early last century. The book was on healthy living. It had a section on how to travel well, funny, because it was written well before commercial airline travel and $5 snack boxes. There were chapters dedicated to a variety of topics that the group of authors felt were important considerations for a healthy lifestyle.

I flipped through the book, and of course I landed on a chapter dedicated to FAILURE.

“He who hopes to avoid all failure and misfortune is trying to live in a fairyland; the wise man realistically accepts failures as part of life and builds a philosophy to meet them and make the most of them.”

No truer words have been written! My prior life experience was centered around building flawless systems. This was immature. The correct mentality is to build systems designed to handle and adopt to constant failure.

That is the one element that has kept me progressing. I now have a productive way of dealing with constant failure.

Guy Reams

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