The 365 Commitment

Blog 187 – Overcome Fear, Making Courage a Habit

Don’t allow fear and anxiety to stop you!  The prize resides right on the other side of the fear you are feeling.  For example, the exhilaration of flying is preceded by intense fear before a skydiver jumps from the plane; at least the first time anyway.  The fear of rejection when asking someone for a date precedes the blossoming of a great love in your life. We all are afraid, even the courageous are afraid, but the definition of courage is to perform in spite of fear.

What happens in our lives when we give in to fear?  We allow opportunity to pass us by.  Perhaps once in a lifetime opportunities.  That is a sad and fearsome thought.  To fail because of fear instead of lack of ability or effort.  Perhaps, to never have the chance to enter the promise land again.  Just tragic!

What happens when we give into fear?  Our choice impacts those around use who are on our team or in our family or community.  They pay the price as well.

Parents who shelter their children due to fear wind up hobbling them.  Giving into fear becomes a habit  and leads to a life of mediocrity.  We can use fear to justify poor decisions and bad behavior.  Not good!

Don’t let this happen to you!  The only way to deal with fear to decide to overcome it, to proceed anyway in spite of it.   Break the cycle and make it your habit to move forward and take risks – decide to only fail by giving your best effort vs. shrinking away from the fight.   Easier said than done, I know.

The fact is you can do it!  You can overcome your fear by deciding to overcome it.

Ackwowledge what you are afraid of.  Name it.  Perhaps it is heights, or social interaction, or failure.  Whatever it is, getting clear and precise and honest about it is an important step.  Now that you know what it is, marshall your allies.

Write down a list of mentors and allies who you can talk to and get encouragement from.  These can be people who also struggle with similar fears. It can be brave people you know who are inspiring and who will inpspire you. It can be God, or a higher power which is someone you can turn to anytime.  It can be a member of the  365 Commitment who will listen and encourage you. It can be a heroic part of yourself or a heroic character you identify with. Call on these forces of good and encouagement. You are not alone.

Get mad at that fear, tap into youraggression, it can help us overcome fear.

Use your 365 Commitment process to write about and plan activities to conquer your fear. This takes conscious effort and an incremental approach which

Take time to pinpoint what you are afraid of and plan to expose yourself to what you fear incrementally. Soon taking courage will become your habit.  You will experience the exhilieration waiting for you on the other side of any conquered fear.

If you are alive then it is not too late, take courage, take your best shot!  Have faith that life will open up to you when you decide to overcome the fears that are stopping you.  Test this faith.  Sweet success and meaning in life are waiting for you on the other side of those fears.  You can do it. You are not alone.

Ben Wagner (194)

Member The 365 Commitment

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