The 365 Commitment

Blog 243 – Made Bed

A made bed instantly improves my mood and boosts morale.

Mom always said, “make your bed.” And, the military requires daily bed making.  Can both Mom and the military be wrong about this?  Doubtful. Maybe you already do this automatically.  I’ve been sporadic about bed making over the years.  But, lately I’ve decided to make it a foundational 365 habit.  It’s literally foundational because it is the first thing I do when I get up, it  sets a precedent for task completion and focused care for the whole day.

A made bed primes the pump and makes me want to tidy up the rest of my room. A need for continuity  drives me to quickly fold and put away that pile of clean laundry on my dresser, then I might as well gather up the couple water glasses and take them to the kitchen.  The room looks good! As I gaze upon it, anticipation registers in my brain; how good it will feel good at the end of the day to return this place of sanctuary and order.

Now as I head downstairs, I am already feeling “in mode” and ready to meet the day.   Might as well put away the dishes in the drainer! Woo hoo, I’m on a roll.  Straighten and fluff the pillows on the couch.  Feels good man!   This is the point of making your bed in the morning, it gets you on a roll, it’s a first action that precipitates an unfolding universe of action – like the Big Bang!  Ok, that might be a stretch but maybe not.

Small things make the difference.  If you want to do big things then start small, and focus on consistency.  Small good habits will grow like a garden around you, a garden that you will enjoy tending and that will provide fruit and nutrition for your character.

Just a few minutes in the morning makes a big difference.  If you are not making your bed each morning then give it a try!  If you are already doing so, then I challenge you to do a better job of it; tuck in those corners and align and straighten the covers at the top!  Change those sheets if they’ve been on a week or more!  Get a new mattress cover and some sheets that you really like!  We spend at least 25% of life in bed, so it seems worthy of some care and focused habit building.

Ben Wagner (250)

Member The365Commitment

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