The 365 Commitment

Day 1 – Welcome

Welcome to the 365 Club!

You are a member of this exclusive club because you have chosen to follow two commitments. 1. To have faith in God. 2. To follow a basic formula everyday for 365 days in a row.

This club is all committed to the same thing. The club is made up of members of different faiths. The door is open to anyone willing to make the two commitments of the club. As of today there are 30 members of this club.

The first commitment is self explanatory. The second commitment is serious business. This commitment will change your life. You will actually achieve what you write down. You will excel as a person in ways you cannot believe. You will achieve any righteous desire you set out to accomplish. The second commitment follows a formula that you must commit to everyday. It is pretty simple:

Think of what you would like to accomplish, what life change would you want to occur? What goal would you like to achieve? What results do you want?
Then commit do to the following formula everyday for 365 days and just see what happens. It is our absolute belief that our lives will be exponentially better after 365 days of following this formula!

1. List tasks – every morning make a list of tasks to do. No guidance here, whatever comes to mind. You should consider adding names of people you can serve to your list. The very act of doing this every morning will cause you to consider the most important tasks, the tasks that have the most meaning to you personally. The concept – own the day before it owns you.
2. Pray – Pray for guidance on the list you made. Take time to Listen. Make revisions to your list as thoughts come in to your mind. In your prayer make a commitment to accomplish this list today and to do your best.
3. Set Priorities – Prioritize your list. Place a 1 next to the most important, a 2 to the next important and continue numbering the list until complete.
4. Set Goals, Act – throughout the day set small goals to accomplish the list. Listen to the Spirit of God you may need to revise and change the list as circumstances arise. Work Hard. Start with the most important task and work down as you go throughout your day.
5. Report – Each night, before going to sleep – report back to God in prayer. Repent if you did not complete all your list, ask questions, listen, feel the love of of that higher power working in your life.

The email address for the group is [email protected]

Thanks for joining, Feel free to ask others to make this commitment. If they agree to commit to following formula everyday for 365 days in a row – then send me their name and email.

Guy Reams (1)
365 Member

P.S. The (1) behind my name is the number of days I have kept the commitment in a row.
P.S. Not all members of the group believe in “a God”, so keep that in mind if ever communicating with the group. I think they all understand the utility of having faith in something greater then yourself is important.

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