The 365 Commitment

Day 27 – Slay a Dragon

If there is something bugging you then be the hero and go fix it.

Slaying dragons is dangerous business. It absolutely requires you to leave your castle, climb some mountain, go into a dark scary cave and attempt to slay a beast that is much bigger than you and could potentially destroy you. In every Knight’s tale I have every read – the hero always learns to be a hero along the way. They always start our with trepidation. They meet people and forge friendships along the way that serve them in the end. The actual dragon slaying is never what it was originally conceived of – instead – the hero discovers that along the way the real dragon has already been slayed – and that dragon was the mental, emotional, spiritual barriers that the Knight had in place. Once those barriers are gone – slaying a giant, flying, fire breathing beast with a small iron toothpick (sword) is a trivial task.

So what is the Dragon you are faced with right now? I am sure you have one. I think I probably have 10 of them! Do what I did this morning – I wrote that Dragon’s name down on my 365 list. I am going to start on a quest today to go slay that beast.

Who knows maybe there will be a beautiful princess at the end, a giant pot of gold, a divine favor from a Diety or perhaps all three?

Guy Reams (27)
365 Member

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