Day 29 – Seek Meaning

So every morning you are waking up and deciding to be in control of your own life, to use time wisely. You are making a list of what is important to you and how you can help others. You are seeking divine guidance to make sure that what you are focused on are the best things, the right things. At the end of the day you are reporting back, seeking forgiveness for what you did not accomplish and trying to learn how you could improve the next day.

Now I would like to challenge you to seek meaning. STOP READING! Take a moment and think about that word – meaning. Look back through your list. If you are like me, that list is comprised of things that are needed to be done, expedient things. Can one or two of the items on that list and elevate your ambition above just getting it done, and actually seek true meaning?

For example, I might have in my list – “help my friend Bob”. Now my reasoning for helping Bob is noble. I know that Bob needs help and would probably be grateful for it. However, can I elevate that ambition? Perhaps I can honestly seek out and try to discover what would be truly meaningful to Bob? What would have the greatest impact? Maybe a real conversation with Bob where I try to find out what Bob really is struggling with and exactly what help Bob would need the most is a higher ambition?

Another task might be – “resolve my challenge at work.” Another great ambition to put down on your list. However, if you really stop and thing about acting with more MEANING – then you might want to know why the challenge is really there in the first place. What is causing the problem? How did the problem get there? Do I really understand the problem and the people’s motives in creating this situation in the first place? Am I just trying to get it done, or do I really want to know the root cause?

When you seek meaning, you elevate your ambition to something greater then just a checklist of tasks. Doing things to get them done fast is good, probably for most things, but there are things that come up in life that absolutely deserve you to take a pause and really seek the meaning behind it.

Perhaps you have a really important decision to make, and that is causing you stress. A great task to put down today is to take some of your valuable time and really make yourself think through the meaning behind the decision. Why do you want to make this decision? What do you really intend? You may find that it is really not a decision that is bugging you at all – rather you really have already made the decision. Now just find out WHY you made the decision and see if the MEANING behind your decision is something you can live with!

The weekends when you might have some extra time, is a great opportunity to take a pause and try to seek the true meaning behind some of your actions!

Guy Reams (29)
365 Member

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