Day 53 – Ride at Dawn

Had a chance to meet this person – Roy Spence yesterday. Here is a video from his website if you have a moment to watch:

His focus is on living a purpose filled life. That with the right purpose, all the challenges seem trivial. The thing that stuck with me the most about him – is this phrase he has adopted – “Ride at Dawn.”

Think for a moment – old western scene – monumental moment where the good guys have to go accomplish a great task. The hero tells the people that are with him – have fun tonight people because tomorrow we Ride at Dawn.

So Ride at Dawn is very much the spirit of the 365 Commitment. Every day we wake up with the same attitude. It is a new day today, yesterday is done and now with the whole day in front of me – I am ready to ride out and take on the challenge!

Guy Reams (53)
365 Member

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