The 365 Commitment

Day 79 – Think you are

You become what you think about. Put stronger, you are what you obsess about. The mind is a very powerful weapon. Used carelessly and you could very well think yourself to death or worse. If you are obsessed with food, you will eat too much. If you are obsessed with drinking alcohol, you will drink too much. If you are obsessed with money, you will spend too much.

The good news is that this works for good things as well. If you obsess about running, then you will run. If you obsess about being spiritual, then you will be spiritual. If you obsess about that nice new car you want, you will eventually figure out a way to get it. The point is that the mind, carefully focused  by your daily thoughts will eventually figure out a way to get it. That is what the human mind does.

I think there is more to it then just your thoughts, because it certainly feels like when you want something that is truly good, then there seems to be an alignment that occurs and everything seems to want to help you accomplish that good thing. Of course the opposite maybe true as well. Perhaps all the forces of evil will band together to help you become evil if your mind is bent in that direction!

However, putting the eternal battle between good and evil aside, I want to focus on your own internal struggle. We all struggle with some quest within our soul, something we would really like to achieve. Some people may have forgotten what that is, but if you spend enough time in a quiet place thinking about it – you will remember. The point of this blog is that if you decide right here and now that you can accomplish what you want to achieve – you will do so.

Or at least get close and that will be far better then what you have now. The danger is that if you let yourself, you mind will become focused on the opposite of your desire and that is the problem. Let me use an example. I would really like to be in perfect shape. I would like to have a body built with lean muscle tissue and maintain less then 10% body fat. I would really like to easily fit into nice clothes and look good in them. Now, I can choose to obsess over that. If I do, it will happen or at least I will become close. If I got to 15% body fat and I could at least see my abdominal muscles in the mirror – hey I would be happy with that outcome!

So we have an example to think about. If I am not careful, my untamed mind might fall into the trap of thinking, obsessing over the fact that I am not the perfect example of male physique. Instead, I could obsess how bad my current circumstances are. How out of shape I am, how much I over eat, what I eat, how often I just sit in a chair all day and work, how tired I am, how low my energy level is. I could, if I allowed myself to, just allow my mind to keep confirming all the to myself over and over again. You see, I am what I think about!

Not any more with the 365 Commitment. Every morning, I choose what my mind is going to focus on and obsess over. I am not going to let nature takes its course, and let my mind travel down the easy paths of self pity, remorse and any phrase that begins with: “I will never…”, “I just can’t…” “I am not that type of…” No! I deny that thinking! I write down what I am going to become, the great thing that I am going to achieve and I decide what I am going to be obsessed about!

So CHOOSE! Right now. Choose what you are going to become, what great task that you are going to accomplish, what impossible dream you are going to achieve. Choose to become great, even if you are not.

“Whether you think you can, or you think you can’t–you’re right.” – Henry Ford

Guy Reams (79)
365 Member

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