Day 184 – Tough Decisions

I think success is based in large part on decisions that we make everyday.  Leadership is probably also based on making more correct decisions then wrong ones. You are a product of the decisions that you make everyday. Considering this concept, I realized that we also have to be aware that the unconscious decisions that we make everyday, and the decisions that we refuse to make and delay will have massive consequences in our lives.

I think I could spend a lot of time pondering this concept, but I will write upon the concept of not making decisions. I think this is one of the big ones. I can almost bet that there is a decision that you are pondering right now that you are delaying, and procrastinating the choice you have to make. I can almost make a bet that the person that makes well informed, yet quick decisions will always be better off then the person that does not make decisive decisions.

Once you have the details you need to make a decision, and you know that you need to make a decision – then you need to make the decision. Plain and simple, stop wasting precious time. Make what you think is the best decision and move on. Will you make the wrong decision, yes – but that is inevitable. You will get better at making decisions over time and with experience – but you must make the decision. Stalling, dragging your feet, making excuses is not productive.

If you really feel that you do not have enough detail to make a decision, then decide to act on getting the details that you need and schedule a time in the future when you will make the decision. Once you make the decision, get moving on acting on that decision and do not look back. Now you can reevaluate, readjust, pivot later on as necessary – but it is completely worthless to regret the fact that you decided, or that you decided incorrectly.

A few days ago, I realized that there were some of these big decisions weighing me down and causing me stress. Not a fun way to live life with the weight of big decisions hanging over my head. The also tend to distract me from important activities, and prevent mental clarity. Better to just make the decision and get going. Life is hard enough without all that indecision weighing you down!

For my 365 today, I made a tough, hard decision. I feel much better now and I am going to resolve to make these decisions faster next time.

Guy Reams (184)
354 Member


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