The 365 Commitment

Day 253 – Learn Something

I decided to add a habit where I consciously learn something new everyday. I have lots of interests ranging from digital photography, astronomy, chess, memorization, computer programming, robotics to politics and religion. I figure I always have something new and interesting I would like to learn and get better at. I am prescribed to the notion that constant improvement and consistent learning as a paradigm is a value that I have always held dear. So now everyday, I finding a way to incorporate learning something new in my daily activities.

It is ok if I combing learning with another 365 commitment. For example, helping my kids out with robotics yesterday, I had to learn something new. In that way I accomplished two commitments at the same time. The purpose of this blog is to emphasize just how interesting life has been for the last 16 days forcing myself to learn something. I am not anywhere near habit formation yet, but there have been times when I have gone weeks without learning anything and this new habit aims to change that.

I have found that focusing my 365 list on activities that would produce the “best day” has always included some form of learning. So I have now made it official. Everyday, I am writing down something I am going to commit time to learning. There are days when I may only have 5 minutes, but that is certainly better then doing nothing.

I do not see any immediate benefits, other then I know dont feel guilty for spending 15 minutes learning about something. I am also no longer pressuring myself to be perfect at it. Just pick up a little today and maybe some tomorrow. Eventually, I have enough time invested in learning a topic that I will proficient at what it is that I am trying to learn.

Guy Reams (253)
365 Member

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