The 365 Commitment

Day 266 – Ikigai

Had a great time at a tedX event today. Went with my daughter. Received lots of future inspiration to help me along my path of self improvement, motivation and habit forming. I had the opportunity to coach one of the speakers, so it was good to hear him deliver the message that he wanted to.

One of the talks emphasized a Japanese word that explains a concept. Of course, in true Japanese fashion – the word describes an entire thinking process, a model for human thought and a guide for your life all narrowed down to a simple to easy word. Its as if Japanese culture has been around for thousands of years and has evolved to simplicity in explaining complexity. Oh, wait a minute it has been around for thousands of years.

Anyway, I will get back to trying to explain in the immature and rudimentary English language what this concept of Ikigai is. If you google the term, you will find many Venn diagrams that show three circles intersecting and at their center is Ikigai. Those three elements are 1. What you love 2. What you are good at. 3. What the world needs. A fourth concept is also important and that is 4. What you can actually make money doing.  When all four of these are aligned – you have Ikigai

When you focus on What you Love and What you are good at you are passionate. When passion is mixed with what you get paid for – then you are comfortable but you have a feeling of emptiness. Bingo. That has been me many times in my life. When your passion mixes with what the world needs but not at all with what you will get paid for then you are very happy doing what you are doing but you are not wealthy at all.

Put it more succinctly, if you focus on two areas exclusively you get a result. What you love and what you are good at produce passion. What you are good at mixing what you are good at with What you can make money doing you have a profession. What you mix what you can be paid for and what the world needs you have a vocation (just a job) when you mix what the world needs with what you love then you have a mission.

  • Are you satisfied with what you have but generally feel useless? Then you need to start focusing more on what the world needs.
  • Are you generally happy with what you are doing but just dont have enough money? Then focus a little more on what you can actually get paid doing.
  • Is your job very exciting, but you are generally complacent and have this sense of unease about your position? Then focus more on what you are good at.
  • Are you comfortable but feel empty inside, then perhaps you need to change course a little and focus on what you love.

When all these four things come together in balance – you have Ikigai. You have discovered a reason for your existence.


Guy Reams (266)
365 Member

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