Day 306 – Thoughts are NOT Reality

Your thoughts are NOT reality. You do NOT need to know the outcome. Separate your thoughts from your actions. Your thoughts actually do control you and despite all your confidence in your mind, somethings you are just wrong.

The human brain is capable of being extremely discriminatory on what it processes. Only when something is relevant or dangerous will it consider the input worthy of consideration. In other words you were designed to filter reality really well. So having said that it is actually highly possible that you are not really seeing reality for what it is.

The other deception is your insatiable desire to know the outcome before you will actually do anything to progress. So you are going to use your very limited sense of reality to make a complete guess on an outcome and then make a judgment that you cannot do something to improve it?

Time to change reality, or see it for what it really is. Yes you can do something amazing and you can start right now. You can’t possibly know the outcome, so just get going. A big change is waiting somewhere along the path.

Guy Reams (306)

365 Member


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