Day 54 – Changes Wrought by Momentum of Habit

Last night I worked until 1:15am.  I had a serious deadline looming and had to meet it.  Do or die.  I got home close to 2am and told myself that it would be best to get as much sleep as possible before facing the next 8am arrival back at work.  So, I set my alarm for 6:30am.  I woke up at quarter to 5 anyway.  I laid there until 5:20. Which had value, because in that half asleep half-awake state my thoughts gravitated toward issues of the day and answers from dream state seemed to inform wake state.

I had a big day ahead of me.  I realized I would feel much better if I just got up and did my morning habits. The decision to “embrace the suck” happened like a wave rolling up on the beach,  a result of momentum, and prevailing winds en route from past behavior, promoting the  habit.

So I got up and ran, and did my squats, and my 29 pull-ups, and walked calmly into the cold shower.  The pull ups were gratifying because they too came easier in spite of 3hrs sleep.  I slipped into my meditation routine more quickly too.  Days before I was a bit shocked to find that the guided meditation I had become so fond of was now deleted inexplicably from YouTube.  So I’ve been forced to “remember” and re-create the experience in silence (except in my mind) over the past week. This morning, that too came easier. The subtle changes wrought by the momentum of habit and practice are sweet.

Ultimately,  my day proved to be pivotal in terms of my fate. My deadline and crucible moment were met and overcome with the same rushing type of wave energy that characterized the flow into my morning habits, a momentum emerging from past effort. In this case effort from the night before. This is the point of today’s blog, notice the subtle changes wrought by the momentum of habit.  Notice and enjoy these results on your 365 journey.

Ben Wagner (59)

Member 365 Commitment

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