Quality over Quantity Debate – 78 Days Left

So just like you, I have this debate with myself all the time. What is best quality or quantity? I will solve the debate for you – stop worrying about it and just do it.

I have noticed that whenever I find myself SITTING at my desk and THINKING about doing something productive with my life I start to WORRY about this concept of quality versus quantity. When I just do the activity, everyday, the quantity and quality argument just seems to work itself out. This is my thought for this morning.

I barely feel qualified to give anyone advice on this, but I think most physical fitness professionals would argue that you should definitely perform an exercise in the proper way, using the proper form, and with caution. That is certainly true, however, I also think it is important to just do it. At some point during the process of doing it, you will begin to get frustrated with your lack of progress, and as you are doing the exercise you will notice that there is a better way to do it and you will incorporate that into your routine.

Let me use running as an example. When I started my commitment, I decided to just run. I did not care what shoes I had, what clothing I had, or anything else. I just ran down the sidewalk and back again and that was it. I just repeated that everyday. Instead of thinking about doing it, I just did it. As I did this everyday, I began to improve. My cardiovascular health improved dramatically, I lost a little weight. Running became much easier for me. It was not too long before I become concerned about shoes. So, I did a little research and bought a couple of pair of running shoes (2 so that I could alternate them to reduce wear and tear). The shoes definitely helped and my running improved slightly, but the point is that I just kept doing it.

Running everyday caused problems in my life. I needed lighter weight clothes that did not absorb moisture so easily and I could pack into a suit case easier. I took care of this, but still every day I woke up and I ran. I did not let the fact that I did not have the correct under armour shirt for the condition I was in. Whatever I had, that is what I used, and I woke up in the morning and ran. Sure, now I have the complete under armour wardrobe – but that came over time. Slowly as conditions required. I have a cool headlamp now and a reflective vest. I have a cool watch that tracks my performance. However, this is really important. They were not requirements – they were just gradual accumulations on the way while I was getting up every morning and running.

More important is form. If you were there on the first morning of my first run, you would have saw what looked like a giant 6’2″ hippopotamus flopping down a golf course sidewalk, running in dress shoes btw. Who knows what I was wearing, but it probably looked like a tent blowing in the wind as I lumbered past in a blazing 2 MPH speed. My form would have been a disaster. Now I would look at how I was running and completely cringe. I would point out about 20 things wrong with how I was running, but the one thing that I would have applauded is the main one that counts. I was actually doing it. I would have laughed at both my quality and my quantity.

This last week, completing over 50 miles and improving my running cadence, maintaining heart rate zone average, improving VO2 MAX and keeping my back straight, head up, hips open and a controlled gait I can realize that I am now starting to understand that quality is pretty important. However I would be nowhere, I would have no improvement to speak of had I not just got my lazy ass out of bed, put whatever shoes I had around on, and opened the door and starting putting one foot in front of the other.

The funny thing is that when you are just doing something, the things you worry about just work themselves out. The more I run, the more I realize that entire box of Girl Scout cookies is not a good idea. The more I run, the more I realize that I need to stop hunching my shoulders. I need to keep my back straight and head up. This blog is a long way of saying that quantity probably comes first. You have to do something before you can make it better. I would say, in general terms, that if you can do something everyday for 90 days, then you can really start to think about quality. Then it will really matter.

I used running as an example, but seriously, apply this to anything. Many of us have personal challenges. For example, perhaps you have a challenge with a person. A loved one such as a wife, child, friend or family member. You can debate all day long about how to talk to them, what to say, when to say it. The most important thing you can do is actually talk to the person, then, repeat. The more you talk, the better you will get at communicating. The quality will come, but for now lets just work on the quantity. A quantity of one perhaps?

Regardless of the challenge, the type of challenge, the first and most critical point is to pick something and do it. Then just keep repeating. Overtime you will improve the quality of what you are doing. At that point we can really debate the merits of quality over quantity – however – when your scoreboard says 0 – it is just a big fat excuse to do nothing! I only speak from experience on this one. I think I am the king of big fat lazy excuses.

Guy Reams (435)
365 Alumni
78 Days Left to 1st Marathon

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