Tenacious. A good word to contemplate when it comes to making changes for the better that are easier said than done.
So, my aspirations of Bob Ross and Mr. Rogers like demeanor held up for a bit, then crumbled in the face of stiff opposition. But, Rome was not built in a day, and new habits take many iterations to ensconce. It’still important, and it’s still on my list. So, today I will work toward the goal of gentle tone and equanimous demeanor. Tenaciously!
Bickering, blaming, complaining, and cynicism and generalized teen angst will not breach my resolve today. I’m giving myself a pep talk here as I head into day 2 of family vacation road tripping. My efforts yesterday were not unlike that first gasping run, that first set of shaky pushups or agonizing pullups made when I first decided to get fit.
This is just the same. Incremental tenacious daily effort toward my goal is the key will yield steady, albeit slow, improvement. This is a real test for my 365 Commitment.
Time for some prayer as I prepare to rise from the motel bed and make my way to breakfast buffet in the Yuma desert. May the spirits of Bob Ross and Mr. Rogers act as mentors and sheilds for me on this day. When I am in that crucible moment, which will happen shortly without a doubt, may I choose my words and tone with care. I will imagine a little Boss Ross on one shoulde and a little Mr. Rogers on the other, both whispering encouragement and coaching advice into my ears.
Ben Wagner (108)
Member The 365 Commitment

Day 148 – Where are you in the Ant Hive?
As a child growing up in western Colorado, I spent more time than I care to admit staring at ant