Blog 114 – 365 for Organizations

I love the fact that the 365 Commitment can help anybody with just about any goal they hope to achieve.  That is so cool!

I was thinking about leadership skills and realized that people who lead others could benefit from the 365 Commitment by simply making a daily commitment to apply good leadership skills/ habits.  Imagine you are a manager at a company, wouldn’t it be great if you could improve your ability to motivate and retain people?  Allow me to provide an example.

When I was attending a leadership class at Notre Dame, one of my professors explained that most leaders/managers have no idea what it is that employees want most; they think they know but, they don’t.  He’s been running a survey for thirty years that asks leaders what they think employees want. And, for thirty years, he  has surveyed employees on the same topic.  So, he has some solid data on this. Perhaps it’s no surprise, but guess what . . .  leaders/managers tend to get it wrong almost every time.

When asked to prioritize their list, most managers think that employees want more money, more job security, or help with their personal problems.  Now, it is true that these things are on the list, BUT they are nowhere near the top of the list.  Moreover, all three of these answers are typically beyond the direct control of a manager/leader.  Most managers cannot directly control how much a person is paid, or guarantee their job security, or even help with personal problems.

What’s cool is the top three things that employees consistently list as most important to them at work are absolutely within the direct control of a manager/supervisor/leader.  Here they are: 1) Full appreciation for a job well done. 2) The feeling of being “In on things” 3) Interesting work.  As a leader you can commit to focusing on these three things consistently using the 365 Commitment formula!  Focus on noticing good work and giving full appreciation and praise.  Seek maximum appropriate involvement from your team in decision making and strategizing.  And finally, pay attention and find ways to keep work interesting, be creative here.   You can make a big improvement in your ability to motivate and retain employees by applying this bit of knowledge consistently.

After 365 days of consistently, habitually, focusing on these things, what would a company’s culture and work environment be like?  A good question that the 365 Commitment can help answer.  My guess is the answer would be  – a pretty cool and satisfying place to work!  How would employee retention and satisfaction stats improve?  I bet they would show significant improvement.

The 365 Commitment can make a big difference in terms of making positive change stick – for individuals and for organizations.   So bring the 365 Commitment to work.  Workshops and Consultants are available!

Ben Wagner (121)

Member The 365 Commitment

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