The 365 Commitment

Blog 130 – William Was Right

The 365 Commitment keeps me closer to the edge of my ability than before.  I’m not saying I’m constantly on the frontier of my capacities, but I do edge up to the border regularly because of the 365 Commitment process.

That borderland of ability is where growth and learning occur.  This is a good place to be and feels steady and rhythmic now.  Like a drum beat my daily quest to maintain good habits and consistently realize a daily incremental improvement some area of my life brings a kind of momentum of purpose.  Each day I move toward outcomes I want to make happen, ever more aware of where things need improving, of what I should be doing.

We are all complex personalities with many facets, interests, talents, habits and responsibilities.  Being aware of exactly what these are for ourselves is what “knowing yourself” is all about.  The importance of being honest and forthright about who we are as individuals and being clear about what we desire cannot be overstated.   I want to be in that place.  The place of minimal compromise of self.  I have compromised in order to survive or please others, I suppose we all must in order to function.  But it is a matter of degree that determines if it’s good or bad.   I feel I am gaining more awareness of of who I am because of the daily discipline of thinking about what is most important in my life, and this is helping me manage the amount of compromise I should allow.

Perhaps the The 365 Commitment can help us to know ourselves better, to better judge if we have done what we should, to be honest in the way we go about things, and to always be doing and aiming at the right thing.  As Shakespeare said via Polonius in Hamlet,  “To thine own self be true.” Use the 365 Commitment as a mechanism to do this.  A fine thing indeed!

Ben Wagner (137)

Member The 365 Commitment

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