If you were to give today a label – what would you give it? If you wrote in a journal and at the top of the day you had to write a one sentence summary that said something to the effect – Wednesday, May 15th 2019 was the day that I …. What would you say?
Today was the day that I just sat in a meeting and contributed nothing to the world? Today was the day that I fell asleep watching TV after a long day of doing things I cannot even remember? Today was yet another day that I just survived?
What if you could, at the very least, give a positive sentence summary to each day and felt good about it? I think it would be an amazing change in our lives if we woke each day with this intention. By the end of the day, I am going to be able to write a sentence for the day that I will be proud of. Is today the day you get reconciled with a family member? Have a break through with a struggling employee? Plan something life changing? Finally make a commitment on something? Start something new? Do something nice for someone? Donate your time to a worthy cause? Win a big deal? Apologize instead of blame for once?
Today was the day that I woke early and ran 8 miles in the mountains near Denver, CO and saw an amazing sunrise. What is your today?
Guy Reams
365 Alumni
19 Days Left to 1st Marathon