The 365 Commitment

Blog 200 – Down By The Seaside

Looking forward to a meaningful day on the beach connecting with family, enjoying life, and celebrating the living and the triumph of good I have witnssed in their lives.  That is my vision and goal for today.

It would be easy and tempting to allow the troubles in the world to bring me down. My own concerns are enough to do that.

No,  instead  I will choose life, I will choose a positive vision and pursue it with care and attention on this day.

The 365 Commitment drives us to consciously focus to improve ourselves and our life experience. Sounds selfish, but it is not if the life experience you want involves lifting up, loving, and encouaging others!  Inherently the best solution to lifes ills is to look in the mirror and improve you.

All of the unnecessary pain in life seems to come from people who choose something along this continuum: ambivelence, apathy, simple negativity, meaninglessness. nihlism, blameing others, resentment, and death obsession. If you find yourself on this continuum. Make the choice to leave it.

The 365 journey can help you make the switch. Become a member and create or find a future vision that is good and worthy, create habits that will move you toward it, and embrace consistency, prayer and meditation and incremental improvement.  Under the auspices of  the 365 Commitment there is still pain and difficulty, but it is rewarded with meaning. Unnecessary pain is kicked to the curb.

Ben Wagner (207)

Member the 365 Commitment

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