The 365 Commitment

Day 76 of 84 – Inspiration as Habit

Today is Day 365 for one of my new habits that I developed. One year ago today, I decided to finally after all these years actually “read my scriptures like a good little boy.” When I was growing up this was a recommendation from adults in Church. You need to always remember to read your scriptures they would say. Well, I felt that maybe that was good advice, but never followed it. I tried a few times, but got bored and moved on. So a year ago, I made the commitment to actually follow this advice everyday and see what happens.

So I decided that I would read a chapter of scripture, or something spiritual, every day. I have now, every morning, for 365 days in a row read something spiritual to start my day. What was the impact?

Well, I have to admit that it was a good experience. I would recommend trying something similar. Does not have to be religious text if that is not your thing, it could be anything. A book of poems perhaps. The better the source, the better the results I suppose. However, some days I would just get through it so that I could check that box and move on. However, other days I actually had some interesting thoughts come to mind. Those thoughts influenced my mood, lifted my soul, caused me to pause and think about my current direction. I made subtle changes each day, and after a year of progression, I have to admit that there has been an improvement in my outlook on life.

I am more goal focused now. I am concerned about how I can help others and have become slightly less selfish then I was a year ago. I have had fewer bouts of anxiety induced down periods. I have a lot more gratitude for what I have then I did a year ago. Yes, receiving inspiration on a daily basis from a spiritual source is a good idea and is definitely a habit worth keeping.

So now I have completed 7 habits for 365 days. I am not keeping them all up. Some I put down as a great experience, learned a few things, and decided to try something new. Waking up at 5am everyday, prayer, contemplating my 365 list morning and night, running, writing a blog article and now reading something inspirational are my core lifelong habits.

Inspiration is now a habit for me. That is pretty cool. I like that sound of that. Inspiration as habit.

Guy Reams (596)

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