The 365 Commitment

Blog 226 – Draining the Pool of Anxiety at The End of the Day

Taking action (when I “know” it is right) regardless of feelings is very helpful.  BUT, when plowing through a series anxiety inducing tasks, I notice that near the end of the day I feel the effects, a sort pool of anxiety has built up.  All day long I’m getting things done and ignoring fear, discomfort, and anxiety, or at least not letting these things stop me.   But, that does not mean that the anxiety is not building up in some part of my mind and body throughout the day.  Unfortunately, getting things done does not seem to remove that pool of anxiety – or mitigate the emotions that I have set aside – I wish it did.

The obvious (healthy) answer is to use physical exercise.  So, today I have added an afternoon weightlifting session to my task list!  Just 20-30minutes of weightlifting around 5pm, and I’ll see how this works.  Perhaps, I’ll add  a 15-20 minute meditation after that. around 7 or 8pm.  I’ll experiment on myself today!

In order for this experiment to work I must drive through some challenging (anxiety producing) things – like Networking.  Reaching out to people whom I have never met and  companies that I have no established contacts in sets up the potential, actually the certainty of rejection!  However, this is something that is absolutely required if I am going to reach my goals.

I used the 5-4-3-2-1 Blastoff technique to get out of bed this morning at 5:18.  This tactic seems solid, it worked again!  I did the same with creating my morning list, took some time to meditate in prayer, and did a little more exercise than yesterday.  All before 7:00am.  Not a bad start to the day.  I do not “feel” like doing these things, but I know they are the right things to do.

Now, with this blog task nearly finished, I face my list – and a long day getting after self assigned anxiety producing tasks – one at a time – with focus and determination.   So, I will use the countdown method, and embrace the suck, and focus in the moment. Here he goes.

There goes my hero, watch him as he goes . . . there goes my hero – he’s ordinary!

Ben Wagner (233)

Member The365Commitment

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