The 365 Commitment

The Unexpected Traveler

Ancient cultural custom made a big deal out of being kind to traveler. Their main stage gods, were often times claimed to take care of and watch out for the weary traveler. Even today there are hold over common law regarding to obligations to keep and care for travelers that come our way. The Greek god, Zeus was also known as the god of Travelers, thus elevating the social custom to feed and care for travelers to the highest level. Every custom has this, including Christianity, which through the concept that any pour wayfaring person of grief, could very well be God in disguise.

I have had many times in my life, while travelling or engaging in something new or difficult that a unexpected traveler, or guide of sorts has stepped into my life and assisted me at just the right time. I have reflected on this many times, and have considered the circumstances involved that brought that particular person into my life. An angel from Heaven perhaps, or maybe just an encounter with a kind hearted and wise soul at the right moment.

These encounters are precious to me and have happened at key and pivotal moments in my life. The chance encounter is always fleeting, but the right person and the right moment to deliver a message that I needed to hear. I have given up on trying to disprove or prove any divine guidance in this, I have just learned to accept it for what it is and be grateful. I have often wondered if other people experience the same phenomena, and the answer to that is yes. I have discovered that many people experience this same thing and each story is unique and very special to that individual.

This morning I ran into Runnin Ralph. That is the name of his newsletter at any rate. I was down and out a bit and staring at another 18 miles to run. I was slow and sluggish and wishing that I had got more sleep and that I had resisted the extra Halloween candy for the last few days. Staring at my feet, contemplating my cacophony of wandering thoughts I suddenly heard a coughing sound behind me. That was way Ralph came up next to me and started up a conversation. We had a non-vocalized agreement to keep his pace and not mine. BTW, he is 20 years older than me and his pace was far faster than mine. I soon was really pushing myself to keep up and he was just casually bouncing along talking about life and things. We soon parted ways, but he lifted my spirits and the rest of the run was relaxing, fun and a great start to a new day.

There are boons granted to us all on a daily basis that help us keep the commitment that we have made. I offer no commentary here as to why or how this comes about, the point is to know that it does. People come and go in your life, things happen and sometimes do not happen. When you are focused on a goal, a mission, on keeping a commitment then these people and things seem to coordinate for your benefit and aid. The more worthy the cause, the greater this coordination. I call it magnification and have come to rely on it as a boon to help me through my commitments, a gift if you will. With magnification, I find that I can accomplish more, do more and be in more places at once. Without magnification, things start to fall apart on me.

My thought this morning was this. Ralph is just a guy like me, doing his morning run, just like me. He however, took the time to engage another. He took the time to lift another and spread some positivity through his kind and thoughtful demeanor. I realized today, that perhaps I need to take note. When do I have the opportunity to be that unexpected traveler in someone’s life? Perhaps that is a new commitment that I should ponder. What could I do to lend a hand in helping another achieve their objectives. Perhaps I could be the agent in another person’s magnification.

Guy Reams

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