The 365 Commitment

Accept Today

No matter what you do, or how you plan, or how well you make decisions the day that is presented to you will be less than perfect. You will not have everything you want. You will not be motivated enough. You will not have a clear path and you will perceive obstacles in your path. I am realizing as I get older that there is one piece of advice that helps me more than anything.

Accept Today.

Just accept what you have today and go forward and accomplish what you can to the best of your ability. It is perfectly acceptable to set aside some time to plan for a better tomorrow, but it will do you now good to put yourself into a waiting mode. Waiting for the perfect conditions to be present so that you can execute. If you are waiting for that, you will always be waiting. What you need to do is just wake up every morning and accept what fate has provided you and just go forward to the best of your ability. This is a daily decision by the way. Everyday. Wake up and decide to move forward with what you have.

Accept Today.

You will always have a million reason to reject today. You will find one reason or another why you should not execute today. To push things off, to complain about what you do not have. You can always set aside some time to work on improving your situation for the future, that is productive. However, to delay what you can do, because it is not all there is just giving in to the temptation to be lazy. Success is not reserved for the those that have he perfect conditions. Success comes to those that act regardless of their conditions. The lazy always look at the successful and say to themselves, well if I had what they had then I could to that to. Oh, how little they know! The only thing they really need to do is to, Accept Today.

Guy Reams

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