The 365 Commitment

Accept Reproof

Correction, advice, guidance, constructive feedback is to be graciously accepted regardless of the source. Even your worst enemies can provide you with the most valuable gems of wisdom if you were to give an ear to their words. Sometimes the way you are perceived, even by your foes, can be helpful to know. It is absolutely foolish pride to not accept advice freely given. If you are criticized, scolded, or told off in anyway then listen carefully and understand. To bristle and respond harshly, to turn a deaf ear or blind eye is absolutely follow. A proverb says, to deny reproof is to die. I agree.

Are you willing to accept criticism? Do you openly ask for it, welcome it even? If you are not, then what is your goal? Is your goal to make everyone think your awesome, or is it your goal to become awesome by learning how and why you are not?

Think carefully and accept reproof.

Guy Reams

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