The 365 Commitment


The theory of relativity was a earth shattering concept by Einstein, however, if you think about it the concept could be very impactful to ourselves as well. The idea that perspective can change the path something is taking, or is perceived to be taking is really powerful. Let me explain.
If I focus on the trials and travails of just today, my conclusion might be that life is miserable and that I am in a downward spiral. If I were to base my conclusions about life in a short time period, then my emotion about it will be impacted by whatever is currently happening. However, if I am able to view life from a different perspective, perhaps more longer term then I can really appreciate the trajectory, or the progress that I am making.

The longer the perspective, the more value what you view as important holds. If you hold the vehicle you drive, for example, as the most important thing to you then the longer your perspective the less value that it holds. Your really awesome, brand new Tesla may be very valuable to you now but in 15 years when the batteries are leaking and it will not hold a charge – not so much. Perspective, in other words, change value. Your children, when they are young, hold a lot of potential value but if you judge that with a short perspective the value may not be as realized. After your toddler screams and cries at you all day, and you change yet another diaper, you are probably not seeing a lot of value. However, in 50 years from now when she brings to the house your 2 grandkids then her value suddenly skyrockets.

Perspective is everything. If you do not appreciate the value you have now, change your perspective and reevaluate.


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