W. Edwards Deming said the following, ” it is not enough to do your best; you must know what to do and then do your best.”

I actually hate to say that out loud, because for many years, I spun my wheels looking for the “right thing” and as a consequence wasted lots of time. Instead of trying to find the perfect thing, I just dove in.

However, it still is a truth that you cannot avoid. Working really hard at the wrong thing will still be the wrong thing. It is like the ancient logical syllogism. If it is your best and the right thing then you will have amazing results. Anything else is a failure. Your best at the wrong thing = failure. Your worst at the right thing = failure.

I have to say I have been on both of those. I have indeed found the right thing, but because I was so focused on a bunch of other stuff, I did not do my best, so I failed. I have also spent a ton of time on the wrong thing and have gone nowhere. Spinning my wheels, no traction.

How do you know when you have the right thing? You talk to a lot of people and get a lot of advice. The best thing you can do is talk to people. Especially strangers. That is how you vet the idea. Do not make this decision in your own head.

Guy Reams

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