The 365 Commitment

The Lokahi Triangle

Europeans have simple words to describe simple concepts. Words we use like unity, or harmony connotate ideas of bringing things together, but does not capture enough. We might take entire paragraphs or books to describe something that other cultures have just one word for.

The word Lokahi is once such word. It also means unity, but it has such a deeper and richer meaning. One of life, health, and harmony with your surroundings. Today I saw a Hawaiian family playing in the waves with their elderly Grandmother. They were happy, they were together, they were in the waves, under the sun, lokahi.

The Lokahi triangle is seen often, and repeated in other cultures as well. Similar to Japanese Ikigai, Lokahi is the balance between the mental, spiritual and physical parts of our lives. This is true health. You cannot be out of balance, you need all three to be equally thriving to be truly healthy.


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