Day 27 – Staying Focused

Getting a focus is hard. Determining what you should focus on is equally as difficult. Once you have settled on a goal to focus on, then comes the really tough climb. In essence, figuring out what mountain you want to climb is the first half of the battle; the second is staying focused on that objective to get there. Seemingly, most people are not defeated by the climb’s difficulty; instead, they are defeated because they do not stay on the path. Giving up is the problem, not the size or difficulty of the goal. 

Quite simply stated, once you have determined to get on a path, stay on it. 

Hundreds of sources of distraction will pull your attention away from your stated goal. The awesome mountain that you set out to climb will not look as amazing when you are up close to it. Nothing stays beautiful when it requires effort on your part. So you will get distracted and pulled away to easier paths. You will see other distant mountains that look better than the one you are attempting to summit. Obstacles will come, hardships will arise, and feelings of guilt, regret, and dismay will weigh you down. So, with all this headwind, how do we stay focused? 

I have come up with some suggestions, but by no means exhaustive. 

Watch my video on Staying Focused, here

1. Set Clear and Specific Goals: You will never achieve a goal you cannot write down and repeat to yourself easily. Start by defining your goals in a clear and specific manner. Vague or overly broad goals can make it harder to stay focused. When you have a precise target, it becomes easier to maintain your concentration.

2. Break Down Goals: Large goals can be overwhelming. Break them down into smaller, more manageable tasks or milestones. This not only makes the goal seem less daunting but also provides a sense of accomplishment as you complete each step. 

3. Prioritize Goals: Sometimes, you may have multiple goals. Prioritize them to ensure you dedicate the most time and energy to the ones that matter most. Not all goals are equally important or time-sensitive.

4. Create a Visual Reminder: Use visual aids like vision boards, sticky notes, or digital reminders to keep your goal in front of you. This constant visual cue can serve as motivation and a reminder of what you’re working towards.

5. Stay Organized: An organized environment and schedule can reduce distractions and make focusing easier. Declutter your workspace, create a to-do list, and set a daily or weekly routine.

6. Manage Distractions: Identify common distractions in your life, whether social media, excessive meetings, or noise, and take steps to minimize them. You might want to live by the creed, “If your right eye offends, cut it out.” Meaning – perhaps you should remove yourself from sources of distraction. 

7. Stay Accountable: Share your goals with a trusted friend, mentor, or coach who can hold you accountable. Knowing that someone else knows your goal can motivate you to stay on track. This is precisely why I publish my journey every day because this holds me accountable! 

8. Track Your Progress: Regularly monitor your progress toward your goal. Celebrate your achievements, and don’t be too hard on yourself if you experience setbacks. Use setbacks as opportunities to learn and improve.

9. Stay Inspired: Keep your motivation high by consuming content related to your goal, whether it’s books, podcasts, or success stories of others who have achieved similar objectives. I have collected a reading list and podcast list of people who are focused on similar things as I am. This is an excellent source of inspiration when I am feeling discouraged. 

10. Practice Patience: Goals often take time to achieve. Be patient and understand that setbacks and disappointments are part of the journey. Learn from them and keep moving forward. This is why I track my progress in a journal every day. It allows me to say it is okay that I failed; tomorrow is a new day. 

11. Stay Flexible: While it’s crucial to stay focused, it’s also important to remain adaptable. Sometimes circumstances change, and you may need to adjust your goal or strategy accordingly. As you get closer to your goal, this always happens. What you thought was one mountain, you realize now that it is actually two. You will inevitably have to adjust the goal to adapt to new information. Important, adaption is not a complete course correction. 

12. Self-Care: Don’t neglect self-care. Taking care of your physical and mental well-being is essential for maintaining focus and resilience in facing challenges. This will always come back to bite you. Not taking care of yourself will always carry a price tag that, one way or another, you will pay.

13. Seek Support: Don’t hesitate to seek support or guidance from professionals, such as therapists or career counselors, if you’re struggling to stay focused due to underlying issues like anxiety or stress. You might even gulp and ask your parents for help. Having friends, family, and professionals on your side is a good idea. 

14. Visualize Success: Regularly visualize yourself achieving your goal. This positive mental imagery can boost your confidence and motivation. I do this every Wednesday morning. I need a break in my gym routine, so Wednesday has become my visualization day. 

15. Learn from Role Models: Study the habits and strategies of successful individuals who have achieved similar goals. Their experiences can offer valuable insights. I have taken up reading biographies of successful people who have achieved similar things, which is an excellent way for me to unwind at the end of the day and go to bed with happy thoughts. 

Above all, you cannot take for granted your ability to focus. Even the most disciplined person is subject to losing focus on the goals in life. There is a lot you have to fight against to stay focused, so you should build into your life ways to keep on track. Use every tool at your disposal to keep your blinders on and your feet heading down your intended path.

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