Day 264 – What is Possible in 100 Days?

So, 264 days ago, I set out on a commitment to accomplish a great feat. I made a deal with myself, the universe, and God that I would keep a certain commitment every day in return for accomplishing something amazing. Well, I achieved that great feat 216 days into the commitment. This particular feat and commitment are deeply personal, so I am keeping this to myself. However, just like previous 365-day commitments – what I set out to gain was accomplished. The principle is this: if you want to achieve something, then come up with a commitment that equals or exceeds the level of what you want to accomplish and then do it. No matter what, get it done. This is best if the commitment is a daily commitment because every day is every day.

Planning the Next Major Commitment

In 101 days, I will create a new commitment and the attached accomplishment. Honestly, I am not sure which is more important to me now. The commitment or the amazing accomplishment? The hardest challenge for me has always been to pick what it is that I want to accomplish. I always have at least ten things that I want to do, and they all seem incredibly important, so it is really hard to settle on one thing. However, I have learned that you need to focus on one overriding accomplishment so that your daily commitment has maximum meaning and purpose. So, I will be thinking about what my next major commitment is going to be over the next 100 days.

Utilizing the Next 100 Days

However, this brings up an interesting point. The next 100 days are free for me to use how I wish. I have already achieved my amazing accomplishment, so the next 100 days are in a limbo state as I get ready for the next major commitment push. So what can I do in 100 days? This is an interesting question which I have some experience with. 90 days is roughly three months, or one-quarter of a year. I have also learned that it takes at least 90 days of dedicated, repeating effort to form a habit. So in 1 quarter from now, effectively three months, I can create a life-changing habit. What should it be?

Forming a Life-Changing Habit

Remember – a life-changing habit should also be associated with great accomplishments. For example, I made a commitment to run every day. Along with that commitment, my great accomplishment was to complete a marathon. I kept up my commitment, and 282 days later, I finished my first marathon. One year, I elected to spend 15 minutes every day memorizing numbers, and in 100 days, I was able to recite the first 500 digits of PI from memory. Needless to say, I let this one slip. I cannot even remember the first ten digits right now! So you actually can accomplish something extraordinary if you decide on what you want to achieve and what daily 100-day commitment you will come up with in return.

Exploring New Goals

I could write a novel! Right now, I average about 900 words a day. I could increase that to an average of 1500 words a day, and I could complete an average-sized novel before October 1st. That would be something. I could go to the gym almost every day for 100 days and set a goal to bench press 300 pounds or something like that. Nah, I will skip that idea; it’s too much work. The sky is the limit on what I could try to accomplish in 100 days.

Choosing the Right Commitment

Tonight, I am going to come up with something. This type of 100-day thinking is an interesting challenge to consider. What is really bugging you right now? Your weight? Your fatigue level? Your lack of pay? A relationship that has gone south? I am sure there is something that is outstanding in your mind right now. What could you do in the next 100 days to dramatically change your situation? What would you like to see improved before October 1st? If you can think of that in your mind, then try to come up with something that you are going to commit to every day for the next 100 days that ties directly to your desire. Are you in sales and would like to earn a bigger commission? Decide on what that number is, and then determine how many new prospects you might need to get there. Then, make a commitment to reach out and talk to a certain number of people for the next 100 days. It is amazing how this works. Make the commitment and watch the goal you set to get done – usually sooner than you expect.

Sharing Your Commitment

If you read this message, perhaps you can share what you are going to work on from July 1st to October 1. What commitment are you going to make to achieve some amazing accomplishment?

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