The 365 Commitment

103 – Take it With You

Habits go with you. I’m in the desert at a conference and have not let the fact that I’m away from home interfere with keeping up with my commitments.

All day I told myself that I’m going to get my pushups in before the day is through. As it got  later and later I began to be concerned that I might flake out. So, in between conference events around 830pm  I spotted a bench in a carpeted hallway and put my feet up and cranked em out. Was I the only one doing pushups? Yes, but who cares? Nobody.  It felt yreat to get them done and keep my promise to myself.

I was missing my “perfect pushup” handles so I resorted to knuckle pushups after my second set to save my wrists.  Yep, knuckle pushups, suddenly I felt like Bruce Lee! With 45 second rests between sets I was done in no time.  A workout habit is easy to follow through on, I am 110 days in so my body just goes there now.  Just let it happen regardless of where you are.

Point is, don’t  let being on travel keep to from your commitments. I look forward to my 6 hill sprints in this beutiful desert location, and 180 bodyweight squats. Just gotta avoid those cactus!

Ben Wagner (110)

Member 365 Commitment

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