The 365 Commitment

Fire – 35 Days Left

Early this morning, dragged myself to the gym to keep up my strength and general conditioning. Took a day of rest yesterday, so feeling a bit better. Trying to keep my running miles up, so after I was done I jumped on the treadmill for a while. I hate treadmill running, but it is good for setting a specific pace and programming for hills and things like that. Was struggling to get myself through even 5 minutes of that when I started looking for something to focus on.

There are many options in the gym environment to try to distract yourself. I could have some fun with that topic for sure! However, ignoring the TV monitors above me, my eyes settled on a red and white fire extinguisher sign. The word FIRE EXTINGUISHER, with an arrow pointing to the obvious object, was almost directly in front of me by about 100 feet. I focused on the red lettering of the word FIRE for several minutes. I kept thinking about the word, the meaning, the symbolism. I started considering the concept of fire as being the place I go to when I need extra motivation to keep going.

Whenever we think of doing something challenging, it always seems easier then when we are experiencing the pain of actually being engaged in the activity. We are full of vigor when we make the commitment, but then when actually doing it, we quickly crumble and dissolve. What we need is a small, slow pilot light burning deep within our core and when the struggle inevitably comes we can turn up the heat and burn away our challenges. We need to have some fire in our belly so to speak.

So as I thought about that word FIRE, as I pushed myself to run longer and longer on that treadmill – I wondered from what source can I find a fuel source when I need it? I need a reservoir of fuel that I can dump on the flame and have it kick in when needed. What are the sources of this fire?

I am not talking about motivational sources. I have burned all those up a long time ago! I am talking about ever burning, vast resources of highly flammable fuel that can quickly torch any resistance or pain I am experiencing or under. Fire. Thinking through that word Fire, I came up with a few ideas.

One could be some dark and horrible thing in my past that I need to overcome, or channel into a constant source of fuel. There are a few of those that I can think of. I am sure you can as well. Overcoming something like that, having the opportunity to do so is powerful fuel. I pictured this evil person in my mind, thought about how I wanted to overcome everything that person represented. I ran faster.


One could be the vision of what I want to become. I have this eternal longing to be a better person, to rise to some greater purpose. To achieve great things. I have created a view in my mind of what it would be like, to feel like. I even have thought about what I would be actually doing, wearing on the day that I felt like I achieved this vision. I thought about this concept in my mind, discovered another fuel source. I ran faster.


I thought about the people I love. I thought about what I would do to help them achieve their dreams. I thought about what they have done to support me. I thought about how much I would give, how much more farther I would stretch if I could help them. I considered how much I might be able to inspire them with my own achievements. I thought about how I look in their eyes. As I considered this, I found yet another fuel source. I ran faster.


I thought of past success I have had. I thought of things that I have overcame. I thought of the moments when I achieved something great, beat the odds. I remember several moments in my life that I am actually proud of. I considered the fact that the journey that I am on is just the latest step in a long journey of accumulated success. This moment, right now, is the moment that will define the meaning behind all those past wins. Now is the great moment that will write the next chapter of my life. This fuel burns even brighter.


I thought of a higher power. A deeper spiritual connection to purpose and meaning in my life. I thought of tapping into the source of all sources. I asked myself if I really had faith in anything, in God, in others, in myself. I thought of the deep meaning behind my actions, my existence. I thought that although this moment was a very small blip on the radar of eternity that it was not insignificant at all. I realized that every moment is precious, every moment has meaning. This fuel was hard to reach, but once I did, I became overwhelmed. With tears in my eyes, I ran faster.


Find the fire in your life. Find the wellspring of life and eternal fuel keep that commitment. Become a better person, consume that dross in the fiery furnace of resolve.

Guy Reams

365 Alumni

35 Days Left to 1st Marathon

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Ben Wagner
5 years ago

Wow. Excellent ppst here Guy. Well done!

Nate Bunnell
Nate Bunnell
5 years ago

I really enjoyed the imagery of taking mental concepts and converting them to “Fuel” for the fire. I think it is meaningful that we realize that the concepts we use as fuel are separate from the fire, the fire comes from within and has to be something that we tend and care for lest it go out. I also like that you mentioned positive and negative experiences to use as fire which fits so perfectly, as the fire will consume all fuel, trash or treasure. So will the result of the fire, burning a magnesium vw block creates an inordinate amount of light and heat but is relatively fast burning and hard to catch, trash(paper plates etc) burns hot and quick and is easy to ignite, great for starting a fire but not for sustaining one. Or you have your prepped hard wood that can be made into tinder and kindling, will burn hot and long through the night who’s embers could burn for days in the correct circumstances. Truly great comparison Guy, I love it. I can see times when I have needed, used or should have used all the different types of fuel for my fire.! Thanks for the post!

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