The 365 Commitment

Gratitude – 27 Days Left

This darn gratitude concept still keeps popping up. Humility and gratitude, probably two concepts that are just naturally foreign to me. I will admit they are very important attributes and probably something worth working on, perhaps even practicing.

Gratitude is valuable, because when we fall short of keeping commitments or we do not live up to our own standards it helps us reconcile. Even when we fail, we can fail graciously and with a positive attitude of gratitude for even having the opportunity.

It is like the theory of relativity. To you it looks like everything is failing apart (going straight downhill), but to an outsider they see a much different path you are on. A small downward direction on an otherwise wonderful life will like like a small dip, compared to the overall view. Gratitude gives you perspective.

It is like looking at a potential stock as a 50 year investment versus a 5 month investment. Gratitude encourages long term thinking. The problem is that gratitude is not easy, it is not convenient and requires mastery of mind and briddling of passions. Something we humans are not apt to do.

Gratitude encourages an inward out view as opposed to always looking inward. Gracious people care about what is going on around them, how they are impacting others and what benefits they are receiving from others. As opposed to being a constant complainer and consumer, the person well practiced in the art of gratitude always waits to speak, is slow to judge and contemplates the impacts of their decisions on others.

When keeping commitments, a person with gratitude is more likely to achieve them, because they do not need something to start. A clear sign you are being ungrateful is you are thinking, I cannot keep my commitment because I do not have X. A grateful person has already engaged despite not having everything perfect.

Ungrateful thinking has caused me to say things like, I will spend more time with my children when I get X. Well, that is probably never going to happen and the years will slip by. A grateful me, is happy they are here and I will spend every moment I can spare with or without the coveted X.

Ungrateful thinking causes me to complain that I have not achieved X, or reached Y, or do not look like Z. A grateful me, would already be running with tears at the brim for what I have been blessed to accomplish thus far in my journey.

It may not seem so, but when you actually consider it, gratitude is a key to maintaining self discipline and commitments. Those that have gratitude, find and fulfill the opportunity in every moment.

Guy Reams

27 Days Left to 1st Marathon

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