The 365 Commitment

Pruning Bonsai

You remember the scene from the “Karate Kid” movie when Mr. Miyagi teaches Daniel LaRusso how to clip a Bonsai tree? A life lesson is taught in patience, care, nurturing and building a strong base. Bonsai is a miniature tree that is trained by limiting root growth, and pinching growth to produce a desired shape. Many who follow the art form state that the practice is meditative, relaxing and a major stress reducer. For the purposes of this blog, I want to focus on the concept of pruning Bonsai.

I am not a Bonsai expert, but I will say that I understand a few basic concepts. One is that you need to understand that as you pinch or reduce growth at the top of the tree, that you will be effectively be strengthening the foundation. Another is the understanding the precious balance of humidity, soil, water, and sunlight. Above all is the concept of being patient. A Bonsai does not form over night. Careful pruning is how the tree becomes an amazing creation, strong, stable and beautiful.

And so is your life.

The concept is careful pruning. As in the Bonsai, so is life. If you let yourself grow out of control, or get too top heavy then you will become imbalanced, ugly and start to starve for resources. It is better to carefully prune a little each day, in a patient way, so that after years of practice you will form into a strong, self contained, version of yourself that fits the mold of whatever vision you might have for yourself.

True for your life as a whole, but also true for each area of your life. Take relationships for example. If you were to practice the careful pruning and daily care of the Bonsai in your relationship with another, I think you would see the same or similar result as a mature fully grown miniature tree. Do you want a healthy, stable, beautiful relationship? Yes? Then careful pruning and daily care is required.

I started thinking about my personal finances. Usually, I am a sit down and do a bunch all at once type of person. It accumulates until I have to deal with it and then I crank it out in a day of complete misery. However, this causes me to accumulate expenses in my life that are probably not necessary. If I added a daily pruning regimen to my life, perhaps where I find one small thing I can reduce or make more efficient then over time my finances would become easier to manage.

I am curious about this Bonsai mindset, which has always eluded me. However, making small incremental changes for daily improvement seems to be a secret held by art forms that have lasted 1000s of years.

Guy Reams

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